Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony
Senate of Pakistan

S. No. Date Title Detail
1 11th December, 2023 Senator Moulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament Lodges, Islamabad The Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony on Monday Unanimously passed a resolution condemning the Israeli a ..... Read More
2 13th November, 2023 Senator Moulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony and Members of The Committee in A Meeting with a Delegation of Muslim Dialogue Network, Norway at Parliament House Islamabad ..... Read More
3 17th October, 2023 Senator Moulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad The Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony held a meeting at Parliament today, presided over by Senator Molan ..... Read More
4 25th September, 2023 Senator Moulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony was held here at Parliament House on Monday with Senator M ..... Read More
5 3rd August, 2023 Senator Moulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Uninomously Approves “ The Pakistan Ruet-e-Hilal Bill, 2023&rdqu ..... Read More
6 27th March, 2023 Senator Moulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad The Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony on Monday unanimously passed the Bill, “The Publication of ..... Read More
7 21st March, 2023 Senator Moulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony Presiding Over a Meeting of The Committee at Parliament House Islamabad ..... Read More
8 2nd March, 2023 Senator Moulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony Presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad ..... Read More
9 22nd February, 2023 Senator Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament Lodges Islamabad The Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs convened on Wednesday at Parliament Loges. Presided over by Senator Molana Abdul Ghafoor ..... Read More
10 12th August, 2022 Senator Moulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony Presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament Lodges Islamabad  ایوان بالا کی قائمہ کمیٹی برائے مذہبی امور اور بین المذاہب ہم آہنگی کا اجل ..... Read More
11 23rd February, 2022 Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony met on Monday with Senator Hafiz Abdul Karim in the Chair to take bri ..... Read More
12 30th November, 2021 A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony was held on Tuesday A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony was held on Tuesday. Chairman Committee, Senator M ..... Read More
13 26th October, 2021 A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony was held on Tuesday. Chairman Committee, Senator Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri chaired the meeting A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs and Inter-Faith Harmony was held on Tuesday. Chairman Committee, Senator Mol ..... Read More

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