Come to Senate

Never got a chance to visit the Parliament House building? Well, It's never too late. Senate of Pakistan offers you a chance to come and have a look inside the Parliament House building.

Applications for booking a visit to the Parliament House Building may be submitted to the Protocol Directorate of the Senate Secretariat with a prior margin of one week. It is recommended that a visit may be scheduled on the days when the House is in session.

Address your application to:

Mr Tariq Bin Waheed
Senior Director General (Protocol)
Senate Secretariat

Major Attractions

1) Get a chance to meet the Chairman Senate

Picture of Chairman Chair

By visiting the Parliament House, you can get the rare opportunity of having a tete-a-tete with the leadership of the Upper House of Parliament.

2) Be a witness to Senate House proceedings

Picture of Senate House

With a beautiful view of the Senate Chamber from the visitor's gallery on the third floor, see and hear what and how the Senate debates issues of public importance.

3) Explore the Senate Library

Picture of Senate Library

Senate Library is host to a considerable number of historic documents, parliamentary debates, international magazines and all books relating to rules and laws in Pakistan. the importance of laws can no better be understood by visiting such a place.

4) Shop at the Souvenir Shop

Picture of Souvenir Shop

Parliament House souvenir shop is a wonderful place to go when you are deeply interested in artifacts connected with the Parliament and parliamentarians.