Research Cell

Research Directorate Introduction

Mission Statement

To provide Research-based information and data services against a variety of disciplines as requested by the Honourable Senators, in a timely, accurate, and non-partisan manner.


To achieve the highest standards of Parliamentary research products by maintaining credibility, authenticity and reliability.


Research Directorate provides both demand-driven and self-generative products. It remains actively involved in supporting the Senate of Pakistan by developing a creative approach to policy analysis, anticipating legislative needs and responding to specific requests from legislators in a timely manner. Some core services include:

  • Research Briefs; Background Papers; Talking Points; Country Profiles; Comparative Studies; Preparation of Fact Sheets etc., for support during Debates; and provision of requisite statistics and data, for the consumption of Senators to be used at local and international events.
  • Research input / support to delegations for international Parliamentary engagements such as UN, IPU, CPA, APA and other International Parliamentary Conferences, seminars, workshops, and official bilateral meetings.
  • Speech-writing services to the offices of the Honourable Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Leader of the House, Leader of the Opposition, and the Members of the Senate.
  • Preparation of Legislative Briefs on Bills and Ordinances that are to be either introduced in the Senate or transmitted by the National Assembly.
  • Preparation of Summaries of Reports that are to be presented in the House.
  • Research Directorate also complements all initiatives taken by Senate Secretariat that require research input.