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Event Title: The Senate Standing Committee on National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination met on Tuesday under the Chairmanship of Dr. Muhammad Humayun Mohmand here at the Parliament House to discuss various agenda points, at Parliament House Islamabad

Event Date: 2022-03-30

Islamabad (30th March 2022). The Senate Standing Committee on National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination met on Tuesday under the Chairmanship of Dr. Muhammad Humayun Mohmand here at the Parliament House to discuss various agenda points.

The committee passed the Private Member Bill titled “The Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissue (Amendment Bill) Bill, 2021, moved by Senator Khalida Ateeb. It was presented that on account of numerous accidental deaths while driving on motor vehicles, the active human organs after clinical death may be transplanted to persons in need of such human organs or tissues by procuring ones consent on the National Identity Card or the Driving License. The Bill was passed unanimously owing that such donation may give a new lease of life to person in need of such human organs or tissue.

The Private Member Bill titled “The Prime University of Nursing Sciences and Technology (PNUST) Islamabad Bill, 2021” moved by Senator Naseebullah Bazai was discussed at length. The objective of the Bill as presented is to increase the substantial need for nurses and midwifes. The Ministry gave view point that an establishment of a university would not meet the objective of the Bill. “ Universities should not be established on Private Members’ Bill” stated Secretary Ministry of National  Health Services, while expressing that establishing a university is not the solution to meet the shortage of nurses in the country. Dr. Faisal Sultan apprised the committee on the statistic of nurses and doctors and admitted the significant shortages of nurses characterized by more physicians than nurses in the country. “Current production trend of more doctors than nurses every year implies a widening gap” he added. “Government is taking practical measures like up gradation of salaries and providing awareness and improved social status to curb this discrepancy” he further added. The matter was referred to Nursing Council and the Higher Education Commission after discussion at length, for further deliberation.
The committee also proposed the practice of aesthetic medicine by medical practitioners/professionals and awarding them the relevant diplomas’ degrees /licenses by PMC/IHRA for practicing aesthetic medicine as a specialized and recognized field of medical practice. The committee believed that it will prevent the misuse of unlicensed aesthetic treatment by beauty salons endangering thousands now suffering the consequences of their practitioner’s lack of experience. “Unfortunately, most unlicensed practitioners are not insured, particularly those who offer treatment services at home” added senator Dr Zarqa while expressing that those with international certification have served show causes notices damaging the credibility of aesthetic and cosmetic female renown practitioners in Pakistan. The ministry replying to the agenda point said that a meeting with aesthetic practitioners will be scheduled in the next two weeks to obtain their views. The council shall frame standards to regulate aesthetic practitioners in light of recommendations of the committee

Matter pertaining to the observance of Hunger Strike by the students in Balochistan due to unjustified policies by Pakistan Medical Commission in terms of their admission also stood resolved. It was further presented that the Government of Baluchistan agreed to the PMC directed pathway to regularize and consequently register the students enrolled in the three medical colleges. It was agreed that the Education Department of the PMC will on an immediate basis review the papers to verify the exam process and will provisionally register the students of these three colleges on completion of the review of the papers.

Matter pertaining to specifications adopted for procurement of MRI machine by government hospitals was referred back to the committee for final review and report

Matter of Basic Health units (BHUs) and hospital in rural areas of Islamabad with number of paramedical and non-paramedical staff was deferred for the next meeting with the direction to the Ministry on providing a complete brief on the same.

Public Petitions:
The Public Petition no 4113 of Mr Zeeshan Ullah against Bashir Medical College Barakahu, was not taken as it was outside the rules and procedure of the senate committee.
Public Petition No 4486 of Ms Mehrab Saqib regarding amendments in Unani, Aryuvedic and Homepathtic practitioner act 1965 and making rules and regulations for Bachelor Eastern Medicine and Surgery stood resolved and disposed of.

The meeting was attended by Senators Prof. Dr. Mehr Taj Roghani, Fawzia Arshad, Dr Zarqa Suharwrdi Taimur, Sana Jamali, Dilawar Khan, Rubina Khalid, Jam Mehtab Hussain Dahar, Sardar Muahmmad SHafiq Tareen, and Senator Khalida Ateeb.   Dr. Faisal Sultan, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Health along with officials of all attached departments was also in attendance.