Governance of the Senate

Chairman Senate, Finance Committee, Business Advisory Committee and Secretary Senate are collectively responsible for the Senate Administration.

Senate Administration

 The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, envisages complete administrative and financial autonomy for both Houses of the Parliament in their internal administration.  Article 88 of the Constitution provides that the expenditure of the Senate, within authorized appropriations, shall be controlled by the Senate on the advice of its Finance Committee. It further authorizes the Senate Finance Committee to make rules for regulating its procedure.

Senate Finance Committee

The Senate Finance Committee is headed by the Chairman Senate and consists of the Minister for Finance of the Government of Pakistan and such other members of the Senate as may be elected by the Senate. The Secretary Senate is the ex-officio Secretary to the Committee. The Committee approves the budget for the Senate for inclusion in the Federal Budget and advise the Senate in regard to control over the expenditure to be incurred or regularize any expenditure already incurred within the authorized appropriations for the relevant period.

Chairman Senate

The Chairman is head of the Senate Administration and is responsible for its overall direction and management.

Secretary Senate

The Secretary Senate is the chief executive of the House administration and reports to the Chairman. The Secretary is the Principal Accounting Officer of the Senate Secretariat. He, through Finance and Accounts Branch and Audit and Accounts Branch manages the financial appropriations  for the Senate and Senate Secretariat, respectively.

Internal Audit

The objective of Internal Audit is to provide the Secretary Senate, as Accounting Officer, with an independent and objective evaluation of the overall adequacy and effectiveness of the House's arrangements for governance, risk management and control.

External Audit

Notwithstanding the fact that clause (2) of Article 170  of the Constitution, 1973, is not applicable to Parliamentary Secretariats, the Senate, in order to ensure transparency and accountability, decided  to place the accounts of its Secretariat for audit by the Audit General of Pakistan.

 Business Advisory Committee

The Business Advisory Committee is headed by the Chairman Senate and mainly consists of Deputy Chairman Senate, Leader of the House, Leader of the Opposition and all Parliamentary Party Leaders.  The Business Advisory Committee sets the policy framework for the administration of the Senate Chamber.