Senate of Pakistan

S. No. Date Title Detail
1 1st February, 2024 Senator Zeeshan Khanzada, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Commerce Presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held today in Parliament House, presided over by Senator Zeeshan Khanzada.  ..... Read More
2 18th January, 2024 Senator Zeeshan Khanzada, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Commerce Presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad ..... Read More
3 4th December, 2023 Senator Zeeshan Khanzada, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Commerce Presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held at Parliament House on Monday with Senator Zeeshan Khanzada in Chair. The Senat ..... Read More
4 9th October, 2023 Senator Zeeshan Khanzada, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Commerce Presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad The Senate Standing Committee on Commerce convened today at Parliament House, with Senator Zeeshan Khanzada in Chair. Commencing the sess ..... Read More
5 30th August, 2023 Senator Zeeshan Khanzada, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Commerce Presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad The Senate Standing Committee on Commerce convened today at the Parliament House, presided over by the Chairman of the Committee, Senator Ze ..... Read More
6 27th July, 2023 Senator Zeeshan Khanzada, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Commerce Presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad Meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held today here at Parliament House with Senator Zeeshan Khanzada in chair. At ..... Read More
7 5th July, 2023 Senator Zeeshan Khanzada, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Commerce Presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad A meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held under the Chairmanship of Senator Zeeshan Khanzada. At the outset of the meeting ..... Read More
8 7th April, 2023 Senator Zeeshan Khanzada, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Commerce Presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad ..... Read More
9 8th March, 2023 Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held here at Parliament House on Wednesday with Senator Zeeshan Khanzada in Chair. The Senate Committee deliberated on export policy of milk and other edible food items. Muhammad Sualeh Ahmed Faruqui, Secretary for Ministry ..... Read More
10 15th February, 2023 Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Commerce held here at Parliament House with Senator Zeeshan Khanzada in Chair. The Senate body deliberated on the Bill titled "The Copy Right (Amendment) Bill,2022". Senator Faisal Javed Khan, mover of the Bil ..... Read More
11 18th January, 2023 A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held on Wednesday. Chaired by Senator Zeeshan Khanzada. The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman Senate Senator Mirza Muhammad Afridi, Senator Fida Muhammad, Senator Danesh Kumar and senior off ..... Read More
12 14th December, 2022 Senator Zeeshan KhanZada Presides over a meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce Chairman Committee Senator Zeeshan Khanzada on Wednesday remarked that the Policies of the State Bank with regards to import and dollar rest ..... Read More
13 14th December, 2022 Senator Zeeshan Khanzada, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Commerce and Members of the Committee in a meeting with Libyan Parliamentary Delegation Led by Mr. Fawzi Al-Taher Al-Nuwairi, First Deputy Speaker of the Libyan House of Representative at Parliament House Islamabad ..... Read More
14 17th November, 2022 Senator Zeeshan khanzada Presides over the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce at the Parliament House The Senate Commerce Committee on Thursday called for assurance from the Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) (Pvt.) Limited, that no import ..... Read More
15 3rd October, 2022 The meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held today at the Parliament House under the chairmanship of Senator Zeeshan Khanzada. A comprehensive briefing was given to the Committee on the composition, functioning and performance of the Sectoral Councils as well as the ..... Read More
16 18th August, 2022 Meeting of the Sub-Committee of Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held here at Parliament House on Thursday with Senator Fida Muhammad in the Chair. The meeting commenced with deliberations on the matter of gold import. Salman Hanif, Chairman of Gem and Jewellery Association, apprised the ..... Read More
17 10th August, 2022 Senator Fida Muhammad, Convener Sub-Committee of The Senate Standing Committee on Commerce Presiding over a Meeting of the Sub-Committee at Parliament House Islamabad on August 10, 2022. A meeting of the Sub-Committee on the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held in Parliament House.  The meeting was co ..... Read More
18 29th June, 2022 A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held under the chairmanship of Senator Zeeshan Khanzada at Parliament House on 29 June 2022.  The meeting commenced with a briefing on the issue of gold imports in the country. Senator Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar said that about 80 tons ..... Read More
19 3rd June, 2022 Senator Zeeshan Khanzada presiding over a meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce at the Parliament House on Friday 3rd June 3, 2022. Islamabad 3rd June, 2022: Meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held at Parliament House on Friday with Senator Zeeshan K ..... Read More
20 28th February, 2022 A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held at the Parliament House under the chairmanship of Senator Zeeshan Khanzada  A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held at the Parliament House under the chairmanship of Senator Zeeshan Khan ..... Read More
21 12th January, 2022 A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held under the Chairmanship of Senator Zeeshan Khanzada Islamabad (12th January 2022):  A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was held under the Chairmanship of Senator Zeesh ..... Read More
22 14th December, 2021 Senate Standing Committee on Commerce Senate Standing Committee on Commerce held its two meetings in Quetta and Chaman, Baluchistan on 13th and 14th December, 2021 with the Quett ..... Read More
23 18th November, 2021 Senate Standing Committee on Commerce To the question of Senator Fida Mohammad, the Commerce Secretary apprised the Standing Committee on Commerce, which met here at Parliament H ..... Read More
24 7th October, 2021 Meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce chaired by Senator Zeeshan Khanzada The Senate Standing Committee on Commerce headed by Senator Zeeshan Khanzada on Thursday ratified “The Trade Organization (Amendment) ..... Read More

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