National Heritage and Culture
Senate of Pakistan

S. No. Date Title Detail
1 11th December, 2023 Senator Afnan Ullah Khan, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on National Heritage & Culture presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House ..... Read More
2 3rd October, 2023 Senator Afnan Ullah Khan, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on National Heritage & Culture presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad Senator Afnan Ullah Khan presided over a meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on National Heritage and Culture. In attendance were senat ..... Read More
3 8th August, 2023 Senator Afnan Ullah Khan, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on National Heritage & Culture presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad ..... Read More
4 28th November, 2022 Senator Afnan Ullah Khan, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on National Heritage & Culture presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on National Heritage and Culture was held on Monday at Parliament House, Islamabad. The meeting w ..... Read More
5 18th October, 2022 Chairman Committee Senator Dr. Afnan Ullah Khan Presides over the Senate Standing Committee on National Heritage and Culture The Senate Standing Committee on National Heritage and Culture on Tuesday passed the Iqbal Academy Pakistan Bill, 2022 by majority vote. The ..... Read More
6 15th September, 2022 The meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on National Heritage and Culture was held today at the Parliament House under the chairmanship of Senator Afnanullah Khan. "Iqbal Academy Pakistan Bill 2022" was considered in the committee meeting.  The proposed bill was tabled in the Senate after ..... Read More
7 29th August, 2022 Senator Afnan Ullah Khan, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on National Heritage & Culture Presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad The meeting commenced with briefing on the organisation, functions and performance of Ministry of National Heritage and Culture (NH&C) a ..... Read More

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