Federal Education and Professional Training
Senate of Pakistan

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Press Release Title: Senator Irfan-Ul-Haque Siddiqui, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Federal Education & Professional Training Presiding over a Meeting of The Committee at Parliament House Islamabad

Press Release Date: 20th February, 2024

Today, the Senate Standing Committee on Federal Education and Professional Training convened at Parliament House chaired by Senator Irfan Siddiqui. The session began with the deliberation of the private member's Bill titled "The Higher Education Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2024," presented by Senator Shahadat Awan during the Senate session on 1st January 2024. This bill, referred to the committee for consideration and report, seeks to establish parliamentary oversight on the functioning of the HEC through the submission of an annual report to both houses. The Committee unanimously approved the Bill. Additionally, the Committee gave its approval to the "The International Institute of Technology, Culture, and Health Sciences Bill 2024," introduced by Senator Fawzia Arshad in the Senate session on 19th February 2024. As this was the final meeting of the standing committee before dissolution, Chairman Committee, Senator Irfan Siddiqui expressed gratitude to committee members, the Secretary Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, and Chairman HEC for their unwavering support over the past three years. Committee members, along with officials from the Ministry and HEC, also commended Senator Irfan Siddiqui's leadership for ensuring the seamless functioning of the committee proceedings.   The committee meeting witnessed the presence of Senators Fawzia Arshad, Falak Naz, Engr Rukhsana Zuberi, Shahadat Awan, the Chairman of HEC, and senior officials from the Federal Education Ministry. 

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