Senate of Pakistan

S. No. Meeting Date Time Venue Remarks
1 30th January, 2024-(Revised Notice) 02:30 Committee Room 1 Sub-Committee
2 18th December, 2023 11:00 Committee Room 2 Sub-Committee
3 6th December, 2023-(Revised Notice) 11:30 Committee Room 2
4 1st November, 2023 12:00 Committee Room 2
5 12th October, 2023 02:00 Committee Room 4 Sub-Committee
6 11th October, 2023 11:00 Committee Room 1
7 14th September, 2023 11:00 Committee Room 4
8 29th August, 2023 11:00 Committee Room 1
9 17th August, 2023 11:00 Committee Room 4
10 5th August, 2023-(Revised Notice) 4:00 Committee Room 1
11 1st August, 2023-(Revised Notice) 01:00 M/O Aviation
12 6th July, 2023-(Revised Notice) 11:00 Committee Room 1
13 9th June, 2023-(Revised Notice) 11:00 Committee Room 1 Sub-Committee
14 5th June, 2023 11:00 Committee Room 4
15 1st June, 2023 11:00 Committee Room 1 Sub-Committee
16 26th May, 2023 10:30 Committee Room 1 Postponed
17 25th May, 2023 11:00 M/O Aviation Sub-Committee 24-25 May 2023
18 30th March, 2023 11:00 Committee Room 4
19 3rd March, 2023 11:00 Committee Room 1
20 16th February, 2023 11:00 Committee Room 4
21 23rd January, 2023 02:00 Parliament Lodges Sub-Committee Meeting Postponed
22 10th January, 2023 2:00 Committee Room 1 POSTPONED
23 30th November, 2022 11:00 Islamabad
24 27th October, 2022-(Revised Notice) 11:00 Parliament Lodges
25 10th October, 2022 11:00 Committee Room 4
26 29th September, 2022 11:00 Committee Room 1
27 7th September, 2022 2:00 Islamabad Meeting will be held at 2:00 P.M on same date and venue
28 25th August, 2022 11:00 Islamabad
29 28th July, 2022 11:00 Parliament Lodges
30 8th June, 2022 11:00 Islamabad
31 25th May, 2022 11:00 Islamabad Postponed
32 6th April, 2022 11:00 Committee Room 1 Postponed
33 3rd March, 2022 11:00 Islamabad Postponed
34 20th January, 2022 11:00 Committee Room 4
35 30th December, 2021 11:00 Islamabad Postponed
36 22nd December, 2021 11:00 Islamabad 22,23,24-12-21
37 13th October, 2021-(Revised Notice) 11:00 Islamabad
38 15th July, 2021 11:00 Islamabad
39 1st June, 2021 03:00 Committee Room No.4

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