Finance and Revenue
Senate of Pakistan

S. No. Date Title Detail
1 21st February, 2024 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a meeting of the committee at Parliament House Islamabad The Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue, chaired by Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, convened a meeting at Parliament House on Wedne ..... Read More
2 14th February, 2024 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a meeting of the committee at Parliament House Islamabad ..... Read More
3 17th January, 2024 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a meeting of the committee at Parliament House Islamabad A Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue was held at Parliament House on Wednesday with Senator Saleem Mandviwalla in C ..... Read More
4 25th October, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a meeting of the committee at Parliament House Islamabad The Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue met today under the Chairmanship of Senator Saleem Mandviwalla here at the Parliament H ..... Read More
5 4th October, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a meeting of the committee at Parliament House Islamabad  Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue was held here at Parliament House on Wednesday with Senator Saleem Mandviw ..... Read More
6 28th September, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a meeting of the committee at Parliament House Islamabad ..... Read More
7 20th September, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a meeting of the committee at Parliament House Islamabad Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue, presided over a meeting held here at Parliament H ..... Read More
8 30th August, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a meeting of the committee at Parliament House Islamabad Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue was held here at Parliament House on Wednesday with Senator Saleem Mandviwalla i ..... Read More
9 23rd August, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a meeting of the committee at Parliament House Islamabad The Senate Committee was briefed on consistent fluctuations in dollar price. Dr. Inayat Hussain,Deputy Governor SBP, pointed out that rising ..... Read More
10 9th August, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a Meeting of The at Parliament House Islamabad on 9th August 2023 Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue was held here at Parliament House, with Senator Saleem Mandviwalla in Chair. ..... Read More
11 20th July, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a Meeting of The at Parliament House Islamabad The Senate Standing Committee on Finance met on Thursday under the Chairmanship of Senator Saleem Mandviwalla here at the Parliament House. ..... Read More
12 16th June, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a Meeting of The at Parliament House Islamabad. The Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue, chaired by Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, successfully concluded its deliberations and re ..... Read More
13 15th June, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a Meeting of The at Parliament House Islamabad The Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue, chaired by Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, was held to consider and finalize the recommend ..... Read More
14 14th June, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a Meeting of The Committee at Parliament House Islamabad. The Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue, led by Chairman Committee, Senator Saleem Mandviwala, conducted a comprehensive review ..... Read More
15 13th June, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a Meeting of The Committee at Parliament House Islamabad The Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue, chaired by Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, successfully concluded its deliberation on the ..... Read More
16 12th June, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a Meeting of The Committee at Parliament House Islamabad The Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue on Monday debated that the new budget starts with a “sorry” picture. Senato ..... Read More
17 31st May, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue presiding over a Meeting of The Committee at Parliament House Islamabad The committee took briefing by the Deputy Governor State Bank of Pakistan on SBP report on banks scam of extra US dollar rates being charged ..... Read More
18 23rd May, 2023 Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue held here at Parliament House with Senator Saleem Mandviwalla in Chair. The Senate Committee deliberated on the various Pre-budget proposals put forwarded by different stakeholders. Ehsan Malik, CEO Pakistan Busi ..... Read More
19 17th May, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla Presides over a meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue at Parliament House on 17-05-2023. The Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday decided to hold Pre-budget meetings along with all the relevant stake holders in order to restart ..... Read More
20 3rd May, 2023 Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue held here at Parliament House with Senator Saleem Mandviwalla in Chair. The Senate Committee took up the issue of  maltreatment of customs officials towards Pashtoon Businessmen. Senator Sardar Muhammad Shaf ..... Read More
21 29th March, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandiwalla Presides over a Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue at Parliament House. The Senate Finance and Revenue Committee met on Wednesday under the chairmanship of Senator Saleem Mandviwalla here at the Parliament House ..... Read More
22 8th March, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla Presides over a meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue. The Senate Finance and Revenue committee on Wednesday was informed by the Governor State Bank that the current account deficit is at 3.8 mil ..... Read More
23 21st February, 2023 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla Presides over a meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue at Parliament House. The Senate Finance and Revenue Committee urge the Federal Board of Revenue to seek speedy disposal of weighty cases by the FBR before variou ..... Read More
24 16th February, 2023 Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue held here at the Parliament House with Senator Saleem Mandviwalla in Chair. The Senate Committee deliberated and discussed the recommendations on Money Bill, which aimed to amend the laws relating to taxes and duties ..... Read More
25 19th January, 2023 Meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue held here at Parliament House with Senator Saleem Mandviwalla in Chair. The Senate body deliberated on refusal of LCs to Pharmaceutical industry. Malik Arshad, President Pharmaceutical Association, apprised the c ..... Read More
26 29th December, 2022 Meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue was held today at Parliament House with Senator Saleem Mandviwalla in Chair. At the outset matter regarding the waving off the outstanding dues of the Federal Excise Duty/Sales Tax against the industrial undertakings ..... Read More
27 22nd December, 2022 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad The Senate Finance and Revenue Committee on Thursday met under the Chairmanship of Senator Saleem Mandiwalla to consider and finalize the re ..... Read More
28 7th December, 2022 Meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue was held here at Parliament House on Wednesday with Senator Saleem Mandviwalla in Chair. The Senate body congraluted the Khawaja Masood Akhtar owner of 'FORWARD Sports' for being the Pakistan sole company, whose footballs were us ..... Read More
29 23rd November, 2022 Saleem Mandviwalla Presides over a meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue at the Parliament House The Federal Minister of State for Finance, Aisha Ghaus Pasha informed the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue on Wednesday that ..... Read More
30 11th November, 2022 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad The meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue was held on Friday at Parliament House.  Chaired by Senator Saleem Mandviw ..... Read More
31 21st September, 2022 Meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue was held here at Parliament House on Friday with Senator Saleem Mandviwalla in Chair. The senate body rejected the Bill titled "The State-Owned Enterprises (Governance and Operations)" by majority vote, while Senator ..... Read More
32 7th September, 2022 A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue was held at Parliament House. A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue was held at Parliament House.  Chaired by Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, ..... Read More
33 4th August, 2022 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue Presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad on August 04, 2022. The Committee unanimously passed the Bill titled"The Export-Import Bank of Pakistan Bill,2022",moved by Federal Minister for Law a ..... Read More
34 28th July, 2022 Senator Saleem Mandviwalla, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue presiding over a Meeting of the Committee at Parliament House Islamabad on July 28, 2022. The meeting commenced with deliberations over the current economic condition of the country. Senator Mohsin Aziz was of opinion that owing t ..... Read More
35 20th June, 2022 A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs was held here at Parliament House under the chairmanship of Senator Saleem Mandviwala on June 20, 2022. The meeting was attended by Federal Minister for Finance Miftah Ismail, Minister of State for Finance Dr. Aisha Ghous Pasha, Senators, Talha ..... Read More
36 18th June, 2022 Meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance Revenue and Economic Affairs held at Parliament House under the chairmanship of Senator Saleem Mandviwala on June 18, 2022 at Parliament House Islamabad  Meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance Revenue and Economic Affairs held at Parliament House under the chairmanship of Se ..... Read More
37 17th June, 2022 Meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance Revenue and Economic Affairs held at Parliament House under the chairmanship of Senator Saleem Mandviwala on June 17, 2022 at Parliament House Islamabad A meeting of the Upper House Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs continued for the fourth consecutive day under the ..... Read More
38 16th June, 2022 Meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance Revenue and Economic Affairs held at Parliament House under the chairmanship of Senator Saleem Mandviwala on June 16, 2022 at Parliament House Islamabad.  Islamabad 16-06-2022: The Senate Standing Committee on Finance Revenue and Economic affairs met on the third consecutive day to finali ..... Read More
39 14th June, 2022 Senate Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs Senate Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs met on Tuesday under the Chairmanship of Senator Saleem Mandviwalla to ..... Read More
40 2nd March, 2022 Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs The State Bank of Pakistan (Amendment) Bill (2021) introduced by Senator Mohsin Aziz was passed with amendments in the meeting of the Standi ..... Read More
41 18th February, 2022 The Banking Companies Amendment Bill (2021) was passed with amendments in the meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs held on Friday at Parliament House Islamabad, 18 February, 2022:- The Banking Companies Amendment Bill (2021) was passed with amendments in the meeting of the Standing Committ ..... Read More
42 10th January, 2022 Senate Standing Committee on Finance Revenue and Economic Affairs The Senate Standing Committee on Monday finalized the recommendations on the Finance Supplementary Bill 2021, for the report to be laid in t ..... Read More
43 6th January, 2022 The Senate Standing Committee on Finance Revenue and Economic Affairs met the second consecutive day with Senator Talha Mahmood in the chair to finalize and make recommendations in the Finance (Supplementary) Bill, 2021 Islamabad (06-01-2022): The Senate Standing Committee on Finance Revenue and Economic Affairs met the second consecutive day with Senator Ta ..... Read More
44 5th January, 2022 Meeting of the Senate Standing committee on Finance Revenue and Economic Affairs met under the Chairmanship of Senator Muhammad Talha Mahmood The Senate Standing Committee on Finance Revenue and Economic Affairs on Wednesday termed the Finance Supplementary Bill 2021 to bring a tsu ..... Read More
45 6th December, 2021 Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs was held under the Chairmanship of Senator Talha Mehmood here at Parliament House Islamabad, December 06, 2021:- Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs was held under the Chairmanship ..... Read More
46 3rd November, 2021 Senate Standing Committee on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs Chaired by Senator Talha Mahmood In his briefing on depreciation of the Pakistani rupee and Inflation in the country, Deputy Governor State Bank failed to satisfy the Senate ..... Read More

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