Senate of Pakistan

S. No. Date Title Detail
1 22nd February, 2024 Senator Mohsin Aziz, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior presiding over a Meeting of The Committee at Parliament House Islamabad Senate Standing Committee on Interior met today under the chairmanship of Senator Mohsin Aziz here at the Parliament House At the comme ..... Read More
2 26th January, 2024 Senator Mohsin Aziz, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior presiding over a Meeting of The Committee at Parliament House Islamabad Today, the Senate Standing Committee on Interior convened at the Parliament House, presided over by the Chairman Committee, Senator Mohsin A ..... Read More
3 5th January, 2024 Senator Mohsin Aziz, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior presiding over a Meeting of The Committee at Parliament House A Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Interior was held at Parliament House on Friday with Senator Mohsin Aziz in Chair. The Senate Comm ..... Read More

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