Human Rights
Senate of Pakistan

S. No. Report No. Title Date Download
1 28 Rising Domestic Violence Incidents in The Country with Special Reference to The Case of Minor Girl Rizwana in the ICT” 13th October, 2023
2 27 Point of Public Importance regarding "Murder of Professor Ajmal Sawand in Kandhkot, Sindh" raised by Senator Saifullah Abro in the Senate Sitting held on 7th April, 2023 24th November, 2023
3 26 The National Commission on the Rights of Child (Amendment) Bill,2023 7th June, 2023
4 19 The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) (Amendment) Bill, 2022. 4th April, 2023
5 20 The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) (Amendment) Bill, 2022. 4th April, 2023
6 21 The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) (Amendment) Bill, 2022. 4th April, 2023
7 22 The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) (Amendment) Bill, 2022. 4th April, 2023
8 23 The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) (Amendment) Bill, 2022 4th April, 2023
9 24 The Khunsa Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2022. 4th April, 2023
10 25 Consolidation of Bills proposing amendments in or repeal of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2018, in order to provide a comprehensive law for protection, relief, and rehabilitation of the rights of khunsa (intersex) persons, and their welfare, in line with the Shariah and Constitutional guarantees. 4th April, 2023
11 18 The National Commission on Rights of Child (Amendment) Bill, 2023 13th February, 2023
12 16 The number of Pakistani citizens who are currently detained in Guantanomo Bay jail indicating the nature of cases filed against them and duration of imprisonment in Guantanomo Bay with separate details of each Pakistani detainee”. 26th January, 2023
13 NIL To consider and recommended amicable way forward for provision of prosthetics/bionics replacements needed by Master Umer as agreed by K-Electric in an out of court settlement agreement to ensure wellbeing of the child 9th February, 2023
14 17 Implementation of Recommendations of Functional Committee on Human Rights with respect to treatment of a child by K-electric 13th February, 2023
15 13 National commission on Rights of Child (Amendment) Bill 2020 14th March, 2022
16 12 Budgetary Proposals Relating to Public Sector Development Program (PSDP)for the Financial Year 2022-23 25th February, 2022
17 11 Point of Public Importance regarding "target killing of social worker and media person in Malakand. 10th November, 2021
18 9 The National Commission on the Rights of Child (Amendment) Bill, 2021 19th November, 2021
19 9 The Islamabad Capital Territory Child Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2021 19th November, 2021
20 7 The Juvenile Justice System (Amendment) Bill, 2021 19th November, 2021
21 8 The Islamabad Capital Territory Child Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2021 19th November, 2021
22 10 The Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Amendment) Bill, 2021 19th November, 2021
23 6 The Islamabad Capital Territory Prohibition of Corporal Punishment Bill, 2021 27th September, 2021
24 5 The Islamabad Capital Territory Domestic Workers Bill, 2021 12th July, 2021
25 4 The National Commission on the Status of Women (Amendment) Bill, 2020 12th July, 2021
26 1-2021 The Islamabad Capital Territory Senior Citizens Bill, 2021 27th June, 2021
27 2-2021 The Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill, 2021 27th May, 2021
28 1-2019 Child marriage restraint (Amendment) Bill, 2018 26th February, 2019

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